Hello There,
Want to draw your kind attention, seriously
So far so now, i have
been posting few thoughts which managed to pull plugs of my own
experience and you managed to listen it attentively.Here i am presenting you
something very unique way of personal experience to which i guess, you will
never mind in sharing among your peer group and others
How can I preserve
memories of my beloved ?
How can I live a legacy
for my next generation to know better about once family history?
How can you bring dead
back to life?
My take-
I foresee that online
memorial sites dedicated to lives of those whom we love and now have lost,
would help to bring families together. It would also help our children learn
about the lives of their ancestors and preserve memories after death memory loss which is the primary reason for me to start 6by3 memorial
website,a true place where anyone could create free online memorial of
their beloved one they have lost
Online Memorial Website
An online memorial is
now widely accepted as an integral part of the grieving process outlined in
the stages of grief model,
and the underlying basis for this is the way in which it can bring those
affected by a death closer together by encouraging communication and
expression. It is normally one of the tools for bereaved people to communicate
with each other and to act as a bridge with others. An online memorial where
friends and family can all tell their stories and express their feelings of
loss over the medium term can help everyone manage their grief effectively
Happy Memorial
website is not about death, its all about celebrating once life memories, we
have focused our commitment in creating a site which gives you ample
apportunity to make personalized with meaningful features for you to create a
memorial website of your dearer loved one which can be used as useful tool in
healing from grief and bereavement while you pay your respect silently
which can cherish for many years to come by Celebrating Life Memories